Heritage Chicken Eggs

Their is nothing like the taste of fresh eggs!

The real benefits of free-range eggs are in their nutritional value. Studies show several advantages to farm-fresh eggs, including:

  • less cholesterol

  • less saturated fat

  • increased vitamins A, E and D

  • more omega-3 fatty acids

  • more beta carotene

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential to our body’s day to day functions and help to prevent several chronic diseases. The nutrients to increase the amount of fatty acids in eggs come from chickens eating things like bugs, leafy greens, corn and flowers—ingredients completely vacant from a caged hen’s diet.

The vitamins in eggs are all extremely beneficial to your diet. Many people have a vitamin-D deficiency, though they may not know it, and can suffer the health issues associated with this deficiency. Pasture-raised eggs are widely regarded as one of the best food sources for vitamin D.

While both farm-fresh and store-bought eggs have cholesterol, backyard eggs contain lower amounts, and most of the cholesterol in eggs is considered “good” cholesterol that will not have the same detrimental health effects as “bad” cholesterol. Cholesterol is actually a very important part of our diet and helps us maintain calcium and phosphorous levels in our bloodstreams.